Friday, July 30, 2010

A Visit to the Rays

This morning, we took an early morning 5 mile dinghy ride inside the lagoon to a place known for its "friendly" sting rays (i.e., the local hotels' dive boats feed the rays there).  We arrived at 8:00 am, before any other boats, and Jennifer hopped into the shallow water to tie us off ... and was immediately and somewhat disconcertingly surrounded by rays.  After some teeth-gnashing and squealing, she managed to get Kate to join her,. and I followed shortly thereafter (having allowed the women to test the safety of the waters).

They are rather amazing, and lack real eyesight, so they tend to nuzzle up and check you out ... we're off to Huahine in an hour, but thought we'd get these pictures up before we left.   More diving and exploring to follow!
Kate Rides to the Rescue

Birthday Boy Greets His Fans

Jennifer Surrenders
Kate and Jennifer, At Ease

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I never knew rays could be tamed to behave that way. They still seem a little menacing to me. Good thing you had those brave women with you, Jon.